Is Success On The Other Side Of This Feeling?

Jon Taggart
2 min readMar 24, 2021

DAY 2:

Since starting this writing every day publicly for 30 days challenge, it is bringing up a lot of random fears and insecurities.

If I am going to jump into a cold pool, why not just jump in with both feet. So I am going to try and write from a place of honest, transparency and vulnerability.

For the past 10 years or so I have owned and operated a WordPress design, development and digital marketing agency.

For about 8 of those 10 years, that would have been a generous claim.

Earlier this year, I decided I wanted to hit a new level of growth and by growth, I really mean financial growth.

But, in order to do that, I have to provide incredible value to a good amount of people.

So this got me wondering what I could do that was scalable and that would help people experience growth in their own life and business.

In January of this year, I decided I am going to build a course to teach people like my former self how to do what I do now.

Over the past 2 years things have started to click with my process and I want to train people to skip some of the struggle that I went through.

So, I am building a course that would have been exactly what I wanted.

I started with a lot of excitement and telling family and friends my grand plan so that I would be committed and have some sort of accountability.

I hate not doing what I said I would do. After a couple of weeks into it, the fear, insecurity and imposter syndrome decided to make a strong appearance in my internal monologue.

Of course, this started to slow down my progress as I got closer to things that were scary. For example, getting on a sales call with a stranger.

It sounds silly as I type this out, but it is definitely real and then one night it hit me.

As I was in the bathroom, I thought came in and I asked myself, “what if financial success is just on the other side of this wall of fear?”

So just like alcohol, I am deciding to change my relationship with imposter syndrome/fear/insecurity and going to now recognize that when I am experiencing these feelings, it is now my north star guiding me down the right path and I need to dig in and keep leaning into it.

So that is what I am going to do.

Next week, I will be starting on generating sales calls with strangers. I will report back if I find out if my hypothesis is correct of success just being on the other side of these feelings.

